Folders (Available to Managers and Admins)
Folders help you organize collections. In addition to collections, you can also add sub-folders and attachments within a folder.
Create a Folder
To create a folder, open the main menu at the top left of the page and click "+ New folder" at the bottom of the folder section.
Once the folder is created, you can add new collections, sub-folders, or attachments to it.
Add New Collections, Folders, or Attachments
To add a new collection, sub-folder, or attachment to a folder, click the green "+ Add" button at the top right of your folder.
Manage & Edit Folders
As the folder creator, you can grant access to other Managers and Admins. Note that Admins always have access to all folders.
To rename a folder, click the three dots at the top right of the view, then select "Edit."
Add Existing Collections to a Folder
To move an existing collection to a folder, navigate to the collection. Inside the collection, click the three dots at the top right of the view, then select "Move to folder."
Archive or Delete a Folder
If you're no longer using a folder, you can archive it by clicking the three dots at the top right of the folder view, then selecting "Archive." The folder will be moved to the Archive, located at the bottom of the main menu.
To delete a folder, use the same three dots menu and select "Delete."
Uncategorized Collections
At the bottom of the main menu, youโll find the "Uncategorized" section, which contains all collections that are not linked to any folder.
If you have any further questions or thoughts about folders, feel free to contact us via the chat at the bottom right of the page. ๐