Ideas can come from anywhere and anyone. With Hives, we aim to make it easy for you to share your ideas. Here's a brief guide on how to submit your ideas and explore different settings.
1. Select a Collection to Submit Your Idea
In Hives, ideas are organized into different collections, making them more relevant to the purpose of your organization. To submit your idea to a specific collection, simply click on it.
2. Click the Green Button
Once inside a collection, click the green button to start describing your idea.
3. Provide a Title and Description for Your Idea
Fill out the short form with a title, description, and, if desired, choose an image. After completing the form, click "Save." Your idea will be published, and you can always edit it later.
4. Add Contributors, Attachments, or edit the idea (Optional)
If you want to include additional contributors (for example, if you are part of a team behind the idea), click the box below "Contributors" to add them. Note that only individuals who have also signed in can be added as contributors.
To edit your idea or attach files, click the three dots, as shown in the image below.