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Share a link to a specific collection
Share a link to a specific collection

Learn how to share a specific collection with anyone you need.

Hannah avatar
Written by Hannah
Updated over a week ago

This feature is available to managers in the collection, and admins.

Sharing your collection with the "Share to web" feature comes best to use when you want to share the collection with people outside of your organization. Why not share the link in an email, or on your social media channels if you would like to get a lot of input?

To activate this in a collection, just simply click "Share". You will then see a section saying "Share to web" where you can activate this.

People using this link will only get access to this specific collection and not the rest of your hives hub. And as soon as you turn of the "Share to web", the collection will no longer be possible to reach through the link.

Lets start collecting 🐝

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